DHU Obtained Quality Accreditation for International Students Education
post date: 2016-10-31 counts: 880

    In accordance with the result of Quality Accreditation for International Students Education issued by China Education Association for International Exchanges on October 20, Donghua University (DHU) is on the 1st list of institutions that have passed the accreditation.


    Since DHU signed up to be a one of the 1st pilot institutions of Quality Accreditation for International Students Education, a self-evaluation committee with Vice President Liu Chunhong as the director and heads of relevant sections and colleges as members as well as a working group comprising relevant personnel from International Cultural Exchange School were established as per the accreditation requirements. Having gone through preparation of self-evaluation report, modification based on collected comments, examination by the self-evaluation committee and review by the expert team organized by China Education Association for International Exchanges over the past six months, DHU successfully obtained the accreditation.


    The accreditation not only serves as the full affirmation of DHU’s performance in International Students Education, but also gives full play to the active role in stimulating construction through evaluation. During the accreditation process, DHU has comprehensively summarized the success and failures in International Students Education, figuring out the deficiency and improvement measures, which is conducive to the future enhancement of both quality and efficiency, further elevating the level of International Students Education.


    The pilot work of Quality Accreditation for International Students Education is implemented by China Education Association for International Exchanges under the authorization of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of Ministry of Education, aiming to establish the quality assurance system of International Students Education and propel the healthy and orderly development of International Students Education. The 1st list of institutions that have passed the accreditation includes 27 universities such as Peking University, Fudan University and University of International Business and Economics.