2016 Fall CIP Immersion Week Agenda
post date: 2016-10-27 counts: 553

2016 Fall Immersion Week Agenda






Activity Count & Location




Cashmere Value Chain in China: Current Situation, Challenges, and Opportunities

Dr. Bin Shen (Jerry)

This lecture introduces the Chinese cashmere value chain structure from supply of raw material, production to processing. Moreover, the lecture discusses the target markets and marketing approach of Chinese cashmere products.

1 Workshop

IECB 116




The iEnergy workshop, with your hand and brain

Mr. Ruinan Li

(Founder of iEnergy)

  • Speech+Q&A

  • Introduce Tasks and hand out tools and bamboo materials

  • 1. Real case business model design

  • 2. Creative Handmaking bamboo workshop

  • Group presentation

3 Workshops

IECB 119


Corporate Training and Team Building Workshops in China – How to find the opportunities, plan effectively and deliver meaningful trainings

Mr. David Warner

This lecture will focus on modern methods of corporate training in China with a focus on team building strategies and exercises. We will discuss how to find opportunities, how to plan trainings and how to effectively deliver workshops.

1 Workshop

IECB 116




The challenge of cross border e commerce

Mr. Bjorn Van Der Veen

How cross border ecommerce is shaping the Chinese ecommerce industry and how western companies can benefit from it.

1 Workshop

IECB 117


Interviewing Techniques

Ms. Cecilia

You will learn how to respond and communicate your values in situational interview questions, also known as “What if” interview questions. These also include the so-called “Wild-Card” interview questions. You will also learn to recognize what the hiring organization is looking for in these types of questions.

1 Workshop

IECB 119


The Coca-Cola Bottling Factory

Mr. John Alexsander

You will visit the biggest bottling line of Coca-Cola Company in Shanghai and intuitively understand its development history.

1 Fieldtrip

Gather in front of No.3 Teaching Building


Debate Tools and Techniques

Mr. David Warner

Ms. Cecilia Mag-isa Estoque

This Debate Tools and Techniques workshop is the beginning of an on-going debate club, which will host multi-disciplinary events in the future. The goal of the workshop is to introduce the Debate Club where students can learn different strategies and become prepared for the upcoming events. Students are expected to experience a real debate during the workshop.

1 Workshop

IECB 119




Writing your Thesis ( Required for students who are going to graduate next semester)

Mr. Christopher Desmond Fay

A look at the process; the structure; and some of the problems students face when writing an undergraduate thesis.

1 Workshop

IECB 121


Fast and Chinese (Comprehensive Chinese I required)

Comprehensive Chinese I Required

All the students from Chinese Level 1 must register this activity as it is part of your Chinese course assessment. Tasks will be given on the site of the event which is in Global Harbor. Students work together with their team members to complete all the specified tasks. Evaluation is based on the quality of the work and the time spent. Students go to Global Harbor on their own and should get together at 10:00am on Wednesday.

1 Fieldtrip


Negotiations (Session I)

packaged with Session II

Please choose 2 sessions together

Frederic Bonnet

To introduce concepts relevant to negotiations such as:

-Prisoner dilemma

-Stake holders

- BATNA (Best alternative to a negotiated agreement) from Harvard Business school

-Preparation and design of a negotiation

1 Workshop

IECB 118




Build your future, from personal branding to your company.

Gianni Vacca

Simona Lodolo

Andrej Agacevic

  • Offer different prospective for personal presentation.

  • Create a strategy for future career developing.

  • Which marketing instruments are useful for personal branding.

  • The personal branding results.

1 Workshop

IECB 117


Sales execution is the only strategy the consumer will ever see

Mr. Peter Vogelsang

The objective of the class would be to explain that sales execution is a critical success factor in the marketing of consumer goods at the hand of my experiences in the Heineken beer company.Peter will elaborate on the drivers of sales excellence and the Key Performance Indicators (KPI´s) to measure success. After the class, Peter will offer the opportunity for students that followed the class to join him in the Carrefour in Zhongshan Park (1 metro stop away from Donghua) to see what he has presented in practice. This could take place in the lunch break and would last max 1 hour. This is optional for those who attend the presentation and will only take place if enough interest and the program so permits.

1 Workshop

IECB 116


Marketing On Wechat

Joel Gustavsson

  • What is digital marketing

  • What is digital media marketing

  • The amazing Wechat

  • Content writing

  • Case studies

  • Wechat workshop

1 Workshop

IECB 120


Negotiations (Session II)

packaged with Session I

Please choose 2 sessions together

Frederic Bonnet

To deal with various situation and techniques such as:


-One to one and multi-parties negotiation

-Influence of time (historical records)

1 Workshop

IECB 118


Design Thinking Workshop

Ms. Marina Yue

Design Thinking is a method to help create creative thoughts. It contains six steps: Understand, Observe, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test.

After students understand what design thinking is, they need to participate in a small workshop to gain more experience about design thinking.

1 Workshop

IECB 121




Resume & Cover Letter Writing

Mr. Christopher Desmond Fay

A compressive guide on how to present yourself in a resume and a cover letter.

1 Workshop

IECB 119


The Evolution and Future of Work

Mr. Knut K. Wimberger

The ongoing Chinese robot revolution will play a prominent role in this development, because China will be for the first time in the history of the industrial revolution pitcher instead of catcher. The Chinese industrial robot revolution will catalyze and exponentially accelerate the AI revolution.

A collapse of labor markets can only be resolved by a new redistribution of wealth and the gradual agreement on a new social contract. This new social contract will have a guaranteed basic income as its central pillar.

The lecture will conclude with a few exercises to define individual purpose.

1 Workshop

IECB 117


Language Register: Why does it matter?

Mr. AJ Orpia

Sufficient knowledge and effective use of these types of language registers will benefit students as they achieve their academic goals in the university. This workshop will also highlight the general principles and application of formal register and provide students with an insight on how to effectively construct their ideas both in written and spoken English.

1 Workshop

IECB 119

Open Time

During the Immer-sion Week

A glimpse of Shanghai (Comprehensive Chinese II required)

Comprehensive Chinese II Required

It is a good chance to discover Shanghai with your camera while practice your Chinese during the immersion week. It is a required activity for students in Chinese level 2.Students will photography scenery of Shanghai in pairs according to the given topics. All the photos will be exhibited after immersion week. Evaluation is based on the quality of the photography and Chinese description.

1 Fieldtrip

Discovery of the city landscape along the subway (Comprehensive Chinese III required)

Comprehensive Chinese III Required

There are a lot of interesting places in this city maybe you never been. Students in Chinese level 3 will be given a project aiming to explore this city more deeply and practice their Chinese. You will complete this project with your partner according to the task instructions. Posters are required and will be exhibited in the lobby.

1 Fieldtrip

I teach Chinese this way

(Comprehensive Chinese IV required)

Comprehensive Chinese IV Required

Most of you have studied Chinese for near two years. You have experienced different classes with different teachers by using different textbooks. This time we will design a project which require student to be a Chinese teacher. You will make a small dialogue with other 2 partners and act it out. Real world scenario is preferred. Then choose one sentence to teach. 1-3 minutes video is required.

1 Fieldtrip

Selecting New Locations for Expansion of Crepetown Fast Food Chain”

Mr. Marko Ljubičić

This is a new kind of activity given to students at Center of International Programs (CIP) as a part of the Immersion Week, which is to be done in teams, throughout the Immersion Week, and the final project should be delivered by the following Monday, 7th November 2016.

Assignment details as been already issued on the 52nd international forum.

2 Workshops