International Education Workers from Several Universities of Beijing and Shanghai Gather at DHU for Exchange of International Education
post date: 2016-05-18 counts: 683

    On May 6, the exchange of international education of partial universities from Beijing and Shanghai was held at the Yan’an Road campus. Nearly 70 international education workers from over 30 universities gathered together to discuss the promotion of international education. Vice President Liu Chunhong attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

    Liu Chunhong extended a warm welcome to the attendees and briefly introduced the international education of DHU, programs taught in English and curriculum construction. International education workers from Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing Normal University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economicsas well as DHU respectively introduced their own international education to share and exchange experience.

    During the speech and communication, the results and experience achieved from programs taught in English and activities for international students of DHU aroused wide concern from the representatives present at the meeting. Currently, there are 5 undergraduate programs, 6 master programs and most of the doctoral programs are taught in English, which are hugely popular among international students. The number of international students involved in the programs taught in English has reached 532, occupying 52 percent of the altogether 1031 international students. Source countries have been expanded, among which Asian countries occupy around 45 percent while European and African countries around 20 percent. The rich and varied student activities have become one of characteristics of DHU’s international education. Some popular clubs available are the International Student Association, iTalk Language and Culture Exchange Club and International Student Arts Troupe. Not only over 10 clubs are offered for international students every semester, but also brand activities are held every year, such as the 12th “Dragon Cup” Sport Games, 9th “Phoenix” Talent Competition, 8th “China Hand” Knowledge Contest, 6th International Cultural Festival and 2nd China Cultural Festival. Furthermore, the university has organized international students to attend various national, provincial and municipal contests and activities, during which the students performed well and won awards multiple times.