Songjiang Campus International Students farewell Party
post date: 2016-04-27 counts: 724

Date: Monday, 2016 April 11th

Time: 2:00-5:00PM

Venue: activities center 3rd floor


For a long the time, the farewell parties for graduates were always held at the international students dormitory (lobby of building five). A change in style was considered by the SCISA committee 2016 with approval by Wu laoshi on behalf of ICES.

This party was organized to warmly bid farewell to our dear sisters and brothers and also to acknowledge the tireless support and guidance of their supervisors.

This great day was honored with the presence of Wu laoshi and Yan laoshi on behalf of ICES and also the presence of professor Yang on behalf supervisors.

The presence of the graduates, the entire Songjiang community, friends and relatives with the great cooperation of the I Talk volunteers made this day successful and memorable.

Every day is a day for being inspired through listening to great speakers and their experiences in life are lessons in our lives. This was through the words of wisdom from Wu Laoshi, Yan Laoshi and professor Yang.

The experiences shared by the graduates representatives for both masters and PhD are a lamp in our journey to more success in Donghua University.

The great performances from the different talented and passionate young stars made the day awesome with lots of fun.

A party without food is not always considered a success; therefore, this day was warmly closed with an amazing dinner.

In a nut shell, this day was registered a success and an achievement for the Songjiang International Students Community and one of its kind for ICES. Thanks to the commitment of the SCISA committee Under the presidency of Ahmadou Bamba Sourang Thiaw (苏拉).