China in My Eyes: The 2nd Shanghai International Student Chinese Element Creative Design Contest
post date: 2014-10-21 counts: 765


China in My Eyes: The 2nd Shanghai International Student Chinese Element Creative Design Contest



With the aim of blending Chinese culture into the world and let the world know China, the 2nd Shanghai International Student Chinese Element Creative Design Contest will be held to encourage those who are studying in Shanghai to discover and display the impressive highlights of Chinese elements so as to deepen their understanding of Chinese traditional culture and modern civilization.


参赛作品 / Works

1. 作品内容:围绕主题“我的留学生活”,发掘和运用中国元素,体现中国本土特色文化与现代艺术和设计的完美结合。

Content: fully apply the Chinese elements to the works to show the fusion of Chinese culture and modern art & design under the theme of My Student Life in Shanghai.


2. 作品形式:类型和风格不限,可以为实物设计或电脑设计,如平面设计、手工艺品设计、服饰设计、工业设计、环艺设计、动漫设计等,可结合绘画、书法、篆刻、剪纸、摄影等形式。单件作品或多件(5件以内)为一组均可。

Forms: no limitation on style or type. Both material objects and computer-based design works are acceptable, e.g. graphic design, handicraft, fashion design, industrial design, environmental art design, animation, etc. The works can be combined with the forms of painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, paper cutting and photography, etc. Single works or a series of works (less than 5 pieces) are acceptable.


3. 作品要求:作品不限创作时间但必须为学生本人原创,主题鲜明,创意设计构想独特,表达方式有艺术感染力。作品可经由指导教师在保持作品原创性基础上,予以专业性的意见和建议。

Requirement: no limitation on the creation time but it is must be one’s original works with vivid theme, unique design and strong artistic appeal. Instructors may offer professional advice and suggestions without changing the originality of the works.


作品提交 / Submission

1. 作品:实物或数码彩色打样稿(A3大小)。

The real objects: the material item or the digital colored proofing (same size as A3 paper, 420×297mm)


2. 作品的电子文件:实物作品的照片(至少1024×768尺寸且3M以上大小的JPG文件),或电脑设计作品的JPG文件(精度300dpi以上)。

Electronic version of the above mentioned objects: the photo of each material item is at least 3M with the size of 1024×768 in JPG format; each computer-based design work must be at least 300dpi in JPG format.


3, 报名表:每件或每组作品一张报名表,所有署名设计者均须签字。

Application Form: single works or a series of works should be submitted with an application form with the signature of all the designers.


奖项设置 / Prize Setting

    特等奖 2 获奖证书与奖金5000/名;

    一等奖 10 获奖证书与奖金2000/名;

    二等奖 20 获奖证书与奖金1000/名;

    三等奖 40 获奖证书与奖金500/名;

    入围奖 50 获奖证书

    Special Award 2 quotas Certificate & RMB5000/quota

    1ST Prize 10 quotas Certificate & RMB2000/quota

    2nd Prize 20 quotas Certificate & RMB1000/quota

    3rd Prize 40 quotas Certificate & RMB500/quota

    Engagement Award 50 quotas Certificate


* 根据作品提交情况分组评选,各组奖项名额依提交作品数比例确定。

The submitted works may be divided into several groups on which they are appraised and selected. The prize quotas of each group will be decided according to its numbers of works.

* 获奖作品将制作一本中英双语画册。

The awarded works will be collected in a picture album in both Chinese and English.


主办单位 / Sponsor

上海市教育委员会 / Shanghai Municipal Education Commission


协办单位 / Co-organizers

上海高校外国留学生教育研究会 / Shanghai Association of International Student Education

东华大学 / Donghua University


时间/Time: Sep.15- Sept.26
地点/Place: ICES109


截止时间/Deadline:Oct. 20
