3S-CTCP: 2016 Preview

Publisher:留学生招生部Release time:2016-03-01Browse the number:447


3S-CTCP  Shanghai Summer School - Chinese Traditional Costume Program


  2016 PREVIEW


Duration:  Jul. 4th ~ Jul. 29th, 2016  (4 weeks)


Venue:  Yan'an Road Campus (downtown campus at No. 1882 West Yan'an Road)


Theme of the Year: “Origin·Fusion – Integration of Chinese & Foreign Traditional Costume Elements”


Who can attend the program: Currently enrolled non-Chinese students majored in art & design from DHU’s partner universities or colleges abroad. The nominated candidates should have excellent academic foundation and excellent English proficiency that can communicate fluently and be instructed in English.


What you will experience?

Ø Lectures on the basic knowledge: Chinese traditional costume art, history, comparison between Chinese and western art, Shanghai style fashion trend and innovation, etc.

Ø Assignment based on the field trip: it consists of in-class preparation on the description and understanding of the assignment, as well as the task allocation and field visit guided by the lecturer.

Ø Field trips will be guided with the professional introduction in the museums, fashion studio, etc.

Ø Mandarin course offers basic language learning and apparel professional contents introduction;

Ø Cultural experience will highlight the features of folk culture, traditional dress try-on and related etiquette display.

Ø Either Chinese or foreign students will share the local costume and its culture elements which closely related to each individual’s growth environment, and the brainstorms will bring out the sparks for the future team works on “origin & fusion”. At the end of the program, each team will show a series of fashion creation portfolio, and finish making one piece of ready-made clothes.


More details: copy the following address and open it in a new webpage:       

Brochure for partner universities:   2016 3S - CTCP: Nomination & Application.pdf