3S-CTCP: 2019 Retrospection

Publisher:留学生招生部Release time:2019-11-01Browse the number:581


3S-CTCP  Shanghai Summer School - Chinese Traditional Costume Program






Words from Students




I expected to improve upon my understanding at costume art\history and increase an interest in Chinese culture. I think I have achieved my goals, as I feel a strong sense of confidence. Not only in terms of my professional abilities regarding fashion, but personal too. The fact that the university is situated right within the city of Shanghai, and so you have access to everywhere in this city. I gained the ability to speak basic Mandarin which is indispensable considering the fact that the majority of manufacturing is came out from China. I wish to improve my speaking skills even after returning home. Meanwhile, I improved my team working skills, especially as every group was made up of a range of nationalities, abilities and specialty. The sustainable aspect of the course has definitely reshaped my original thinking, especially in terms of fabric choices. I didn’t expect to use old clothes and create something entirely new. I have found this challenging, but at the same time hope to put this into my own design for the future. This opportunity has made me realize that my future aspiration is to return to China, to live and work after finishing my BA. I would definitely recommend this program to other students from my university, as you gain invaluable skills and friendship that will last a lifetime. You become much like a family that depends on each other for support while away from home.



This experience provided me with in depth knowledge on Chinese traditional costume & traditions. I think I became more open minded during the program. The teachers are all nice and helpful. The company visits were great & I learned a lot. I expected to learn new way on approaching sustainable fashion which was achieved. I will recommend this program to other student at my university. Some of the new techniques I learned I want to uses in my future study.



I wanted to learn the sustainable fashion and how to use sustainability in fashion in this program. The classes about sustainable fashion are good to me and I can think more deeply about sustainability. The workshop and other lectures about sustainable also help that. This experience gave me a lot of information about sustainable fashion and this gave me a lot of interest. And I think it is good to students to learn about contemporary fashion and art in Shanghai is more interesting than Chinese historical lecture. I think this will influence my future study and I also got to think I want to study or work abroad. The team work is also good to me because I can see the foreign students how to design and think about fashion. It was a good experience to meet people from all over the world. I could learn many other countries culture as well as Chinese culture. Meanwhile, I really enjoyed learning Chinese.